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Forum Mukim Aceh Barat Serahkan Draft Qanun Kekayaan Mukim

Forum Mukim Aceh Barat didampingi oleh Jaringan Komunitas Masyarakat Adat (JKMA) Aceh dan JKMA Bumo Teuku Umar menyerahkan draft Peraturan Bupati tentang Tata Batas Wilayah Mukim dan tentang Identifikasi Harta Kekayaan Mukim Lango Kecamatan Pante Ceuremen kepada Pemkab Aceh Barat yang diterima oleh Wakil Bupati  Aceh Barat Drs.H. Rachmad Fitri. HD, MPA.

Ketua Forum Mukim Aceh Barat T A Hadi didampingi oleh Chalid HK dari JKMA Aceh dan Syahrul YA dari JKMA Bumo Teuku Umar menyampaikan progress penyusunan Draft regulasi yang berlangsung partisipatif bersama masyarakat.

Dalam sambutannya Rachmat Fitri menginginkan penyerahan draft regulasi tersebut diikuti dengan pembahasan bersama para pihak (biro pemerintahan dan biro hukum Pemkab Aceh Barat) dapat mencermati substansi yang ada dalam peraturan tersebut agar segera ditindaklanjuti menjadi peraturan daerah atau peraturan bupati.

Budaya masyarakat adat Aceh lebih kuat dari beberapa daerah yang lain yang ada di Indonesia. Ketika persoalan adat menjadi suatu landasan dalam peraturan dan kegiatan di masyarakat maka dalam konteks Aceh dipastikan akan berhubungan erat dengan implementasi syariat Islam, kata Rachmat Fitri.

Hal yang serupa ketika dibandingkan dengan Provinsi Sumatera Barat (Padang) dimana aparatur pemerintah sangat menghormati produk hukum yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat adatnya, dan waktu sudah membuktikan bahwa bila adat dalam suatu masyarakat itu kuat maka  segala kegiatan kehidupan akan berjalan dengan lancar dan nyaman ujar wakil bupati Aceh Barat.

Drs.H. Rachmad Fitri. HD, MPA juga menyinggung masalah reusam (aturan adat Aceh) sebagai sebuah aturan di provinsi Aceh harus kembali menjadi dasar sebuah kehidupan masyarakat. Sudah terbukti oleh sejarah dimana setiap gampong di Aceh memiliki reusam sendiri-sendiri yang berbeda antara satu gampong dengan gampong lainnya, karena reusam ini memang dibangun dengan karakteristik dan kondisi sosial politik setempat.

Wakil Bupati berharap dengan konstribusi aktif para pihak seperti Forum Mukim Aceh Barat, JKMA Aceh, JKMA BTU dan pihak MAA beserta masyarakat mendorong perubahan maka akan timbullah tatanan masyarakat yang berdaulat dan sejahtera.

Perwakilan dari mukim Lango Idrus menyerahkan qanun Mukim Lango tentang  Tata Cara Pengelolaan Hutan dan Mekanisme Pengambilan Keputusan sebagai salah satu bentuk keseriusan Mukim Lango dalam menjaga dan merawat hutan  demi  kemaslahatan masyarakat Lango khususnya dan masyarakat Aceh Barat umumnya.

JKMA Bumo Teuku Umar akan terus mendampingi masyarakat adat di kabupaten Aceh Barat agar berdaulat secara politik, mandiri secara ekonomi dan bermartabat secara budaya terus memelihara hubungan baik dengan para pihak seperti yang telah dicapai selama ini tutup Syahrul YA.

Turut hadir tokoh masyarakat dari mukim Lango dan perwakilan perempuan juga turut hadir dalam acara tersebut. [rel]

Tags : hutan adatmukim


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    Курс “Как открыть клининговую компанию с нуля” разработан для начинающих предпринимателей и опытных бизнесменов, которые хотят расширить свои знания и навыки в сфере клининга. Присоединившись к нам, вы получите все необходимые инструменты, чтобы успешно запустить свой собственный бизнес и стать экспертом в своей области.


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  30. Казино работают по лицензиям Кюрасао, Мальты, Великобритании. Доступен для стран: Все страны. Отыгрывать его нужно, на ставках, с коэффициентами не менее 1,7. Данная учетная запись подойдет для игры в любой версии онлайн-казино. В целом, всё очень просто, но на практике приходится сталкиваться с разными проблемами. Его начисляют на объем выигрышных вращений. При этом, как говорит само название бонуса, игроку не нужно вносить денежные средства. Величина бонуса: Min депозит: Получить бонус. Кроме этого, есть кэшбэк и подарки на день рождения. Постоянные игроки могут получить обратно часть денег, которые потрачены на ставки в течение месяца.


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    Keywords لباس تیم ملی ایران
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    Guestbook_Comment سرهمی ها و تیشرت های آستین کوتاه نوزادی، سفید
    ساده هستن و طبق سفارش شما روشون چاپ انجام میشه.

    Category general
    Micro_Message یکی از شرکت‌ های مطرح خارجی برای تولید لباس کامل تیم ملی
    فوتبال بزرگسالان مبلغ حدود یک و نیم میلیون یورو از فدراسیون فوتبال پول درخواست کرده است.

    About_Yourself 37 year-old Account Executive Arthur Hucks, hailing from Laurentiens enjoys
    watching movies like “Moment to Remember, A (Nae meorisokui jiwoogae)” and Nordic skating.

    Took a trip to Monastery and Site of the Escurial and
    drives a Caravan.
    Forum_Comment شما میتونید قیمت تمام
    فروشگاه ها رو باهم مقایسه کنید تا ببینید کیت های رئال در پریماشاپ از همه جا ارزون تر و همچنین
    با کیفیت تر هست.
    Forum_Subject دانلود کیت پک تیم های ملی
    برای PES 2021 مودینگ وی
    Video_Title لباس برزیل خرید لباس تیم ملی برزیل پریماشاپ
    Video_Description این تیشرت سفید بچگانه رو میتونید با یک شلوار مشکی ساده
    یا لی ست کنید و فرزندتون یک استایل
    بی نظیر رو داشته باشه.
    Website_title لباس رئال مادرید 2024 خرید کیت رئال مادرید جدید پریماشاپ
    Description_250 (۱۴ آبان ۱۴۰۱) سرپرست دبیرکلی فدراسیون
    فوتبال در گفتگوی تلویزیونی اعلام کرد لباس تیم ملی ایران برای جام
    جهانی ۲۰۲۲ قطر روز سه شنبه ۱۷ آبان ۱۴۰۱ رونمایی
    خواهد شد.
    Description_450 این لباس زیبا عرض 47 تا 57 رو سایز میشه که اگر ابعاد لباستون در این ابعاد هست
    حتما سفارش خودتون رو با خیال راحت ثبت کنید.

    Guestbook_Title قیمت و خرید لباس تیم ملی
    ایران : تیشرت و ست پیراهن و شلوار هواداری ایران سرخابی شاپ
    Image_Subject خرید و قیمت لباس بچه گانه
    تیم ملی ایران فروشگاه لوازم ورزشی دربی شاپ
    Blog Title عکس لباس رسمی کاروان تیم ملی ایران در جام جهانی
    2022 دیلی فوتبال
    Blog Description خرید پیراهن تیم ملی ایران با طرح
    یوزپلنگ ست کامل لباس 2021 سرخابی شاپ
    Company_Name لباس تیم ملی ایران
    Blog_Name اخبار «لباس تیم ملی ایران
    2022» خبربان
    Blog_Tagline پیراهن و شورت تیم ملی ایران 2022 کیت سرا
    فروشگاه اینترنتی ورزشی کیت سرا
    Blog_About 47 year old Human Resources Assistant IV Alessandro Edmundson, hailing from
    Port McNicoll enjoys watching movies like “Sea Hawk, The” and Poi.
    Took a trip to Greater Accra and drives a Mercedes-Benz 680S Torpedo
    Article_title لباس چلسی 2024 پریماشاپ
    Article_summary ایران جزو معدود کشورهایی است که تامین‌کننده
    البسه تیم ملی خودش را بسیار تغییر داده است.

    Article البته از قبلش به حالت پیش فروش در
    میاد که شما در اون لحظه هم
    میتونید خریدتون رو انجام بدید تا به محض اتمام تولید، سریعا برای شما ارسال بشه.
    احتمال خیلی زیاد لباس ایران رو برند مجید تولید میکنه
    که بی صبرانه منتظر رونمایی طراحی بی نظیرش
    هستیم چون طراحی های برند مجید بی نظیر و فوق العاده هستن.
    سریعترین روش ارسال لباس ایران با توجه
    به شرایط شما مشخص میشه که کدوم شهر یا استان باشید
    و چقدر عجله داشته باشید. طرفدارهای
    هر تیم معمولا لباس تیم مورد
    نظرشون رو تهیه و برای هواداری از تیمشون استفاده میکنن.
    نکته ی مثبت اینجاس که یک هفته قبل از اینکه محصول تولیدش تمام
    بشه، در سایت به صورت پیش فروش در میاد و میتونید اون
    رو پیش خرید کنید تا به محض رسیدن سریعا برای شما ارسال
    About_Me 52 yr old Structural Engineer Esta Breeze, hailing from Gaspe
    enjoys watching movies like Joe and Photography.
    Took a trip to Flemish Béguinages and drives a Duesenberg Model J Long-Wheelbase Coupe.

    About_Bookmark 30 year old Environmental Tech Valery Gudger, hailing from Port Hawkesbury enjoys watching
    movies like “See Here, Private Hargrove” and Fashion. Took a trip to Shark Bay
    and drives a Ferrari 250 LWB California Spider.

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    ماسک مطمئن بود که هزینه های ایجاد و راه اندازی راکت و سفینه
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    نیاز داشت. ماموریت اصلی اسپیس اکس تحویل فضانوردان و محموله ها به ایستگاه فضایی نیست،
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    Casual dating involves getting to know someone on a deeper level with the potential for a more serious relationship, while hooking up typically refers to a more physical and less emotional encounter. While both options are valid, it’s important to clearly communicate your intentions and expectations with your partner to ensure that you are on the same page and to avoid misunderstandings. Additionally, practicing safe and consensual interactions is crucial in all types of relationships to ensure a positive and respectful experience for everyone involved.

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    When ending a casual dating relationship, it’s important to be honest and respectful. Have a direct and honest conversation, preferably in person or over the phone, rather than through text or social media. Make sure to clearly communicate your feelings and reasons for ending things, while also being empathetic and understanding towards the other person’s emotions. It’s also important to give them space and time to process the breakup, and to avoid leading them on or giving false hope for a future reconciliation. Lastly, consider their feelings and be kind in your words and actions, recognizing that everyone deserves respect, even in casual relationships.

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    In the context of casual vs serious dating discussions on Reddit, some suggestions could include clearly defining what each means to you personally to avoid misunderstandings, communicating your intentions openly and honestly with any potential partners, and being respectful of others’ preferences and boundaries regardless of the type of relationship you are seeking. It’s also important to remember that everyone may have different expectations and viewpoints on casual vs serious dating, so being open to having discussions and finding common ground is key in navigating these conversations on Reddit.


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    Casual dating typically involves getting to know someone on a deeper level and potentially forming a lasting connection, while hooking up is more focused on physical intimacy without the expectation of a relationship. It’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your intentions and desires in order to ensure that both parties are on the same page. Ultimately, whether you’re more interested in casual dating or hooking up, it’s essential to prioritize mutual respect and consent in any type of relationship.


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    Casual dating is typically more low-key and focused on having fun and enjoying each other’s company without any long-term commitment. On the other hand, serious dating involves a deeper level of emotional investment, communication, and potential for a lasting partnership. Redditors often suggest being clear about intentions, expectations, and boundaries early on, as well as regularly checking in with each other to ensure both parties are on the same page. It’s important to communicate openly and honestly to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings, regardless of whether the relationship is casual or serious.


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    When ending a casual dating relationship, it’s important to be honest, clear, and respectful in your communication. Avoid ghosting or disappearing without explanation, as this can cause unnecessary hurt or confusion. Express your feelings calmly and kindly, and try to do it in person or over the phone rather than through text. Give the other person a chance to ask questions or express their thoughts, and try to part on good terms if possible. Remember that it’s okay to prioritize your own well-being in these situations.


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    On a dating site, something casual typically refers to a relationship or interaction that is more focused on fun, light-hearted moments, and companionship without the expectation of a serious commitment or long-term partnership. It could involve casual dates, hanging out, and getting to know each other without the pressure of defining the relationship or making any major commitments. Those interested in something casual on a dating site may be looking for a relaxed and enjoyable connection without the pressure and intensity that often comes with more serious romantic relationships.


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    Casual dating is a laid-back approach to relationships where individuals engage in non-committal interactions with one another. Some suggested tips for casual dating include being honest about your intentions, setting boundaries, communication is key, being respectful of each other’s feelings, and enjoying the experience without putting pressure on the relationship to progress to something more serious. It’s important to remember that casual dating is about having fun and getting to know the other person without the pressure of long-term commitment.


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    Casual dating typically involves seeing multiple people at once and keeping things light and non-committal. It allows for exploring different connections without the pressure of exclusivity. On the other hand, exclusive dating entails a deeper commitment, where both parties agree to only date each other and put in efforts to build a more serious, long-term relationship. Both approaches have their own benefits and drawbacks, so individuals should determine which style aligns best with their current desires and goals in a relationship.


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    When it comes to casual dating, it’s important for guys to be honest and communicate their intentions clearly with their partner. Setting boundaries and expectations early on, such as defining what casual means to both parties and establishing respectful behavior, can help avoid misunderstandings. It’s also crucial to prioritize mutual respect, consent, and open communication throughout the casual dating experience. Being considerate of each other’s feelings, being transparent about seeing other people, and being mindful of not leading someone on are all key aspects of navigating casual dating successfully.


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    Some suggested casual dating rules on Reddit may include clearly communicating your intentions with your partner, setting boundaries, being honest about your feelings, respecting each other’s time and commitments, and practicing safe and consensual intimate interactions. It’s important to maintain open and honest communication throughout the casual dating experience to ensure a positive and respectful relationship for both parties involved.


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    Casual dating typically involves a more relaxed and easy-going approach to forming connections with others, often without the intention of pursuing a serious long-term commitment. Some suggestions for casual dating could include setting clear boundaries and expectations with your partner, being honest and open about your feelings and intentions, and focusing on enjoying the present moment without placing undue pressure on the future of the relationship. Remember to prioritize communication and respect for both yourself and your partner as you navigate the casual dating experience.


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    In the realm of casual vs serious dating on Reddit, it would be helpful to advise users to clearly communicate their intentions in their posts or discussions. Providing personal experiences or examples of successful casual or serious dating scenarios can also aid those seeking advice on navigating these types of relationships. Encouraging users to respect each other’s boundaries and preferences, as well as being open to diverse perspectives, can create a more inclusive and informative discussion on the topic.


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    Casual dating and a relationship differ in their level of commitment and exclusivity. In casual dating, individuals are typically seeing multiple people without any expectation of commitment, while a relationship involves a deeper connection, exclusivity, and a commitment to one another. It’s important to communicate expectations and boundaries from the beginning to ensure both parties are on the same page. Ultimately, the choice between casual dating and a relationship depends on the individuals’ desires and comfort levels.


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